Blended Retirement System Lump Sum Calculator One of the major new parts of the Blended Retirement System (BRS) is the ability to take either 25% or 50% of the discounted lump sum value of the servicemember’s pension at the time of retirement. While the DoD is planning to release an overall BRS calculator at some point, […]
Tag: Military Retirement
Blended Retirement System Implementation
As the rollout for the Blended Retirement System implementation continues, amplifying details continue to be released for some of the specifics of BRS implementation. On January 27th of this year, DoD released the policy memorandum that will implement BRS guidance including some of the major updates from the 2017 NDAA that modified some of the original […]
Blended Retirement System Considerations
As the DoD ramps up education efforts on the new Blended Retirement System (BRS), take the time to educate yourself on its specific provisions. Here are some helpful graphics and explanations to help you determine the best choice for your military career. Legacy Retirement System Under the Legacy Retirement System, which we often call the […]
Blended Retirement System Overview
The Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Committee finished its report in Jan 2015 and had several recommendations that ranged from the military retirement pension to Tricare and Commissary benefits. Once the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was signed in late 2015, the military retirement system is about to see some of the biggest changes in […]